
UNESCO World Heritage turns forty

In 1960, UNESCO’s campaigned the world over to save Egypt’s Abu Simbel from flooding by the Aswan Dam. This mammoth act of multinational cooperation galvanized the global community around heritage. France’s Culture Minister, André Malraux, said that our world “publicly proclaims [our] art as its indivisible heritage.” Over 50 countries funded half of the then $80 million cost to move the monuments out of harm’s way. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, one of UNESCO’s most successful programs, arguably the most powerful vehicle for heritage preservation. Adopted by...

Travel Insurance Lic...

A travel agency owner explains why moderate regulation can be good for business. Regulation is a broad spectrum, from rules that provide basic governance in order to form a foundation to burdensome laws that make it impossible to function in a business or industry. The key when approaching a...

What I Got From ASTA’s IDE in Puerto Rico and Why You Should Go To Peru in 2012 Sep28

What I Got From ASTA...

Recollections of the American Society of Travel Agents’ Puerto Rico International Destination Expo (IDE) 2011 – Marc Kassouf of PRIDE Travel shares his experience from this year’s IDE and why YOU should attend next year in Peru! By Marc Kassouf I had the opportunity to attend...

Visting Japan After ...

A first hand report on Tokyo and the surrounding area’s recovery in the aftermath of the disaster. When I was recently offered the opportunity to travel to Japan, I jumped at the chance to see how the tourism industry was recovering from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Seeing what...

It Pays to Understan...

Understanding travel insurance from an agency owner’s point of view. Several years ago, our agency received a call from one of our new, challenging clients. You know the type: the client who calls to ask you about two dozen destinations and a dozen different products, and only after doing...